Afla profilul Investitional

Fiecarui profil investitional din cele 5 ii corespund 3 portofolii. Aici poti afla care e teza potrivita pentru tine.

Nu exista strategii bune sau proaste. Exista doar lipsa de disciplina si strategii care nu se potrivesc cu felul de a fi a fiecarui investitor.

📈 Randamentele portofoliilor create special pentru tine. Alege unul!

Select your profile type:
Select your risk level:
Safe Portfolio
Barbell Portfolio
Risky Portfolio
Safe Portfolio

Explanation: Weighted return rate in a portfolio considers the proportion of each asset in the portfolio and its individual return rate to calculate an overall return rate.

Barbell Portfolio

Explanation: Weighted return rate in a portfolio considers the proportion of each asset in the portfolio and its individual return rate to calculate an overall return rate.

Risky Portfolio

Explanation: Weighted return rate in a portfolio considers the proportion of each asset in the portfolio and its individual return rate to calculate an overall return rate.